Anyway, compared with our usual pretty predictable weekends, yesterday was a sensory overload. We've had a friend staying with us for the week so we took advantage of the live in babysitting and left Mr Moon with the girls (to play the straight guy for 500 knock knock jokes) and Mr M dragged me down to the beach for a surfing lesson on his new mal. I'm still floundering in the wash but did manage to get on my feet for a millisecond a couple of times.
Then after lunch we headed off en familia to see Circus Oz down on the foreshore. Their anarchic, punk, tattooed butch dyke antics were spectacular and reminded me of my years spent living in Sydney. We don't have too many of them types here in Perth, sadly. They're funny, and political in the personal kind of way and really, really athletic. We all loved it - from the grandies to the smallies.

After that we went to our local food court for dinner where i had Tom Yum Soup, Mr M had a curry, Rom had sushi and Bonny a chicken bento box. And with all tastes satisfied we went home and ate our first home-grown mango. It was one of only four that the tree produced but it was a whopper!

Then after that, my sister came to babysit and us three adults went to see A BAND! The Handsome Family, from Alberquerque, played their slightly eccentric, gothic country folk for a couple of hours on the outdoor stage of Beck's Verandah and were really, really great. Then a local band Schvendes took over the set and were really, really, really great.

All in all a day of wonderful experiences and i even slept well.